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Webcasts and Series Available - click on the title for more information:

  1. Introduction to Canon Law Series
  2. Transition, Completion and Legacy
    1. Completion and Legacy
    2. Ownership and Control in Civil and Canon Law
    3. Commissaries and Collaboration
    4. Legacy Trusts
    5. Canonical Leadership and Collaborative Governance
  3. Vows and Community
    1. Community in Civil and Canon Law
    2. The Vow of Obedience in Civil and Canon Law
    3. The Vow of Poverty in Civil and Canon Law
  4. Ministry & Charism
    1. Transitioning Sponsorship
    2. Ministerial Public Juridic Person
    3. Mission, Charism and Catholic Identity
    4. Volunteers and Discernment Houses
    5. Transitioning Sponsorship of Educational Ministries to MPJP 
  5. Leadership
    1. Transitioning Leadership
    2. Rights and Obligations of Leadership
    3. Councils, Chapters and E-Participation
    4. Governance, Permissions, Advice, and Consent in Religious Institutes
    5. Collaborative Governance in Religious Institutes
  6. Vocation Formation
    1. Legal/Financial Issues for Screening
    2. Older and Indebted Candidates
    3. Emerging and Transforming Religious Life
    4. Formation in the 21st Century
    5. Issues in Vocation/Formation in a COVID era
  7. Members
    1. Transfer to Another Religious Institute
    2. Canonical Rights and Obligations of Members
    3. Records of Congregational Members
  8. Associates of Religious Institutes - a way forward...
  9. Civil Structures of Religious Institutes Series
  10. Rethinking Record Retention
  11. Copyright Ownership and Transfer for Religious
  12. Records Management and Archives

Legacy Trusts - This webcast explores the establishment of a charitable trust to ensure the care of members and the legacy of a religious community. 

Issues in Vocation and Formation - This webcast explores the canonical, pastoral and practical issues associated with screening and accepting applicants for religious life and accepting them into the formation program. It also explores the challenges of the 2020 COVID crisis as it applies to vocation and formation ministries. 

Completion and Legacy - This webcast explores the issues that arise as a religious institute enters into its final era, a difficult and grace-filled moment. A clear understanding of the challenges and concerns of completion and legacy can help a community make plans and live this moment with integrity and peace.

Ownership and Control in Civil and Canon Law

This webcast explores issues of property and control of corporations in civil and canon law. In planning and in amending documents, it is important to ensure that ownership and control are clearly defined.

Commissaries and Collaboration - This webcast explores the role of the commissary and the opportunities for collaboration among institutes on matters of sponsorship, eldercare, administration and canonical leadership

Canonical Leadership and Collaborative Governance - This webcast explores the role of the commissary and the opportunities for collaboration among institutes on matters of sponsorship, eldercare, administration, and canonical leadership.

Canon Law Institute Series: This series of webcasts will introduce the participant to Canon Law, the rules that govern church order and discipline of the Roman Catholic Church. While it will touch matters of Religious Life, it is intended to be a more broad-based introduction to Canon Law for those who work for Religious Institutes, for other Church ministries, and for those who would like to deepen their understanding of Church Law.. Read more....

Community in Civil and Canon Law Community is the privileged place of living religious life. It also gives rise to legal rights and responsibilities that will be explored in this program.. Read more....

The Vow of Obedience in Civil and Canon Law - The vow of obedience takes religious into the heart of the mystery of Christ that we celebrate in this Paschal season. In faith and love, we enter in a special way into the following of Christ, obedient to death. Undertaken in this spirit, each institute comes to an understanding and practice of the vow that develops over time. This webcast explores the legal issues raised by the vow. Read more....

The Vow of Poverty in Civil and Canon Law - The vow of poverty has many dimensions: simplicity, solidarity, sustainability, interdependence. This webcast explores the legal issues raised by the vow. Read more....

Records Management and Archives This webcast will examine records of religious institutes and their members. Institutes are challenged to develop policies and procedures dealing with the broad scope of documents that are received and produced by the institute. A related issue is the management of archives that provide the accumulated records of an individual or institution which merit preservation because of their possible subsequent value to the originating source for legal, administrative or personal reasons. Read more...

Volunteers and Discernment Houses This webcast will examine Volunteer Programs and Discernment houses, especially as these are established by religious institutes. These programs give young people an opportunity to share in service and community living of religious institutes. They also offer opportunities to experience prayer and charism of a religious institute as they discern their path in life. Read more...

Governance, Permissions, Advice, and Consent in Religious Institutes - In the exercise of authority, leadership is exercised in collaboration with church authorities external to the institute, and in collaboration with councils and others within the institute. This webcast will examine the requirements of canon law, which may be supplemented by requirements in an institute's own proper law. Read more...

Collaborative Governance in Religious Institutes - This webcast will examine collaborative structures co-sponsored by religious institutes to assist aging religious communities with their needs for leadership and administration. It will examine the role of individuals and communities asked to assist in this ministry.

Transitioning Sponsorship - Many religious institutes are exploring the ways in which their sponsored ministries will need to transition in the coming years to ensure continuity of mission and charism. This webcast explores the issues and options for communities. Read more....

Ministerial Public Juridic Persons - Forming a public juridic person as a successor sponsor for the separately incorporated ministries of religious institutes. Read more....

 Entrusting Educational Ministries to MPJPs -  Exploring, forming, and implementing a ministerial public juridic person as a successor sponsor for the educational ministries of religious institutes. Read more....

Mission, Charism and Catholic Identity This webcast will explore the meaning and importance of ensuring the catholic identity of the sponsored ministries of religious institutes. Read more....

Transitioning Leadership - This webcast will explore transitioning leadership. It will discuss transition between leadership teams and during a merger, and will focus on those communities that no longer have members of their own institute able to provide canonical governance and must be led by someone outside the institute. Read more....

Legal Issues for New Members - This updated webcast discusses the various issues in screening and incorporating new members. New members are diverse in age, education, experience, culture and ethnicity. For this reason flexibility practices and policies is necessary. Read more....

Legal Issues for Older and Indebted Candidates - As they enter into our formation programs, come with challenging issues. This webcast will explore particular issues of older candidates and those with education debt.

Emerging and Transforming Religious Life - Religious Life is undergoing a transformation, brought about by forces at work within the institutes themselves, in the church and in society at large. This one hour webcast will discuss the legal and structural concerns that can facilitate or inhibit this transformation. Read more....

Formation in the 21st Century - This webcast explores a renewed approach to attracting women and men to our communities and making them truly our sisters and brothers. Read more....

Rights and Obligations of Leadership - This one hour webcast will discuss the nature of leadership in religious institutes and the canonical rights and obligations of leadership. It will note associated issues of civil law. Read more....

Associates of Religious Institutes - a way forward... This one hour webcast proposes models for understanding the evolving relationship of religious institutes and societies to their associates. It discusses the civil and canonical issues raised and explore best practices. Read more....

Civil Structures of Religious Institutes This webcast series examines those civil structures used by religious institutes to carry out their life and work in the civil sphere.

1. Civil Structures of Religious Institutes - Overview. This webcast will examine those civil structures used by religious institutes to carry out their life and work in the civil sphere.

2. Civil Corporation of the Religious Institute. This webcast will examine those institute corporation used by religious institutes to carry out their life and work in the civil sphere.

3. Charitable Trusts of Religious Institutes. This webcast will examine the retirement trust and / or retirement facility used by a religious institutes to carry out its life and work in the civil sphere.

4. Ministry Corporations of Religious Institutes and Societies. This webcast will examine those civil structures used by religious institutes to carry out their ministries.

Complete Series on Civil Structures of Religious Institutes $230.00


Transfer to Another Religious Institute - This one hour webcast examines the process of transfer of a member to another religious institute, including the conditions and effects of the transfer. It also discusses legal issues that may arise in this process.

Canonical Rights and Obligations of Members - This one hour webcast examines the obligations and rights of Members of Religious Institutes, as found in Canons 662-672, exploring these rights and obligations in the light of the historical development of these canons.

Rethinking Record Retention - This one hour webcast discusses issues related to record management and the various legal obligations to be kept in mind in developing records policies.

Records of Congregational Members - This one hour webcast discusses the issues involved with the records of members as well as confidentiality, privacy and discovery of confidential documents.

Copyright Ownership and Transfer for Religious - This one hour webcast discusses the overlap of civil and canon law in determining how to approach issues of copyright ownership by authors, artists and composers who are members of Religious Institutes.


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