Book One
General Norms

(Cann. 1 - 6) English Latin

Fundamental Code: There was envisioned a fundamental code - but it was not completed or promulgated.

Canon 1 Latin Code The CIC governs only the Latin Rite, the CCEO is for eastern catholics (2% or 20M)

Canon 2 Liturgy

Canon 3 Diplomatic Agreements

Canon 4 Acquired Rights

Canon 5 Contrary Custom

Canon 6 Prior Law

Title I: Eccesiastical Laws

(Cann. 7 - 22) English Latin

Canons about the law, legislation, etc. These are the fundamental principles that are used to apply and interpret the rest of the code.

Canon 7 Establishment of Law

Canon 8 Promulgation

Canon 9 Non-retroactivity General Law is not Retroactive. However, laws based on divine law are retroactive. Authentic interpretations are retroactive if they are merely declarative. Norms implementing law are retroactive. Ecclesiastical laws, to be retroactive, must expressly so state, and they should not be made retroactive unless it’s for the good of the people.

Canon 10 Invalidating Laws

Canon 11 Subjects of Ecclesiastical Law Catholic, use of reason, at least seven years old. Divine law and conferral of rights bind everyone.

Canon 12 Territorial Binding of Universal Law §1, §3 particular law bind those for whom they were enacted, or those with domicile or quasi-domicile.

Canon 13 Travelers

Canon 14 Doubt of Law

Canon 15 Ignorance and Error

Canon 16 Authentic Interpretation of Law

Canon 17 Text and Context

Canon 18 Strict Interpretation

Canon 19 Lacuna Legis

Canon 20 Revocation of Law

Canon 21 Doubtful Revocation No revocation in the case of doubt - rather they should be harmonized. Never presume the clash, try to find a way to make the apparent conflict disappear.

Canon 22 Canonization of Civil Law The civil law is incorporated into the code – includes guardianship, civil effects of marriage, adverse possession, contracts, possessory actions, settlements, compromise, arbitration. It really has no choice to obey civil law. A societas perfectas could choose it's legal compliance. A complete, autonomous society is intended (Tarquini). Now even European states are no longer autonomous. This was developed on loss of papal states, but was not taken up (nor abrogated) in Vatican 2. There are more realistic references to civil in other sections: selling of goods in canon 1296 - if canon law isn't followed, bishop should do whatever…but in fact, it's all over.

Title II: Custom

(Cann. 23 - 28) English Latin

Canon 23

Canon 24 Reasonableness

Canon 25 Community

Canon 26 Reasonable Time

Canon 27 Interpretation

Canon 28 Revocation

Title III: General Decrees and Inst

(Cann. 29 - 34) EnglishLatin

general decree

Canon 29


sets norms

a law given by a legislator made by the legislator himself. Legislative power cannot be delegated.

general executory decree

Canon 31


makes norms more precise

a decree by which an executive gives effect to the law - like a regulation in US law. It can change without changing the law itself. It applies to all to whom the law applies. These are often difficult to distinguish from a general decree

singular decree

Canon 48


An application of law for one or a small group - bill of attainder.

decree in the judicial sphere

Book VII


During a trial, contentious or marriage, etc. E.g. the acceptance of the libellus, the decree of publication. However, you can easily tell this.

* Note, c.29-30 are on legislative acts (lex) properly part of Title I. C.31-34 are on executory norms (to execute, explain, instruct about a positive law). No mention is made of independent norms which have no underlying lex. This makes it more difficult to understand the role and assess the weight of Vatican statements.

Canon 29 General Decrees The word decree is ambiguous – could be legislative acts (laws) or executive / administrative acts applying the law. A general decree is a legislative text, it must be promulgated by a person or group with legislative power, for a community capable of receiving law. Even the law isn’t specific 455§1 includes executive acts in decrees via Authentic Interpretation. E.g. Bishop can make law for a diocese, but pastor of parish doesn’t have legislative authority. As laws, decrees are subject to title I above, not this title III

Canon 30 Limits of Executive Power One with executive power can't issue laws, they only implement them. An executive can however legislate if that power is specifically delegated by a competent legislator (canon 135.1), the only one who can do this is the Roman Pontiff or an ecumenical council.

Canon 31 General Executory Decrees Purpose / Issuance of General Executory Decrees – administrative is executive. Distinguish the term acts of administration which are generally use of temporal goods: e.g. canons 638 and 1277. Executive is day to day activity of applying laws which may at times be quasi-legislative or quasi-judicial. This canon regulates the quasi-legislative function. Roman congregations issue general executory decrees, not laws. Thus they depend on the laws, and are interpreted according to c31-33. Though they are not laws, they are promulgated like laws and have a grace period before application, like laws.

Canon 32 General Executory Decree Coverage of general executory decree is the same as that of the underlying law law. However, this is true only if executor had same jurisdiction as legislator. Otherwise it binds only those bound by the law AND under the jurisdiction of the executive.

Canon 33 Relation to laws §1 Decrees cannot derogate from law. §2 Decrees may be revoked, they fail when the underlying law ceases. However, they don't fail with expiry of the promulgator's term, unless specifically so stated.

Canon 34 Instructions

Title IV: Singular Administrative Acts

Administrative act: juridic act performed by administrator as a function of that office. A singular administrative act that resolves a controversy or makes a provision is a decree. A precept imposes an injunction. A rescript answers a request for favor (where petitioner has no right). Indult – is a singular administrative act, e.g. releasing from vows.

Ch. I : Common Norms

(Cann. 35-47) English Latin

Canon 35 Author

Canon 36 Interpretation similar to c. 17-18 on interpretation of laws. Act is interpreted according to its words - narrowly in the case of litigation, penalties, restricting rights or benefits; otherwise interpret broadly. These are concrete and singular and are limited to a single application in the instant case. You can broaden the a law to cover a lacuna, but an act is restricted to the case for which it was issued.

Canon 37 Written Form Written Form required for legitimacy, not for validity because that's not expressly stated. Only required for external forum. Act must be communicated. E-mail / fax are considered not quite adequate. Hard copy must at least follow. Commissorial form – commission someone to go to the person and execute the act. This is especially helpful when the executive is distant from the person involved. It requires the commissioned party to verify the facts are as stated.

Canon 38 Limits Limits – actor must derogate, and must have power to do so if it’s opposed to rights, law or custom.

Canon 39 Validity Conditions affecting validity. What about vernacular. CCEO provides same latin and: similar words in the vernacular. Law favors validity.

Canon 40 Invalid Anticipation Canon 40ff provisions for execution. If otherwise, it should be clearly stated. If you don’t get a dispensation, etc, but the time comes to act, you can call to verify that it was issued.

Canon 41 Limits on acts of executor. Strikes the balance between consistency and subsidiary. Other grave cause may be absence of a derogating clause required by c.38. Don’t apply if null, void, or conditions not fulfilled.

Canon 42 Invalid Execution Fulfillment of norm of mandate and instructions and conditions goes to validity. The conditions for validity should be clearly stated as in c. 39.

Canon 43 Substitution Substitution is allowed unless otherwise provided.

Canon 44 Succession Assumption is that executor is chosen as officeholder, not personally.

Canon 45 Remedy for Error Remedy for error – Executor is charged to get the job done.

Canon 46 Continuity Continuity – Admin. Act is a public act, so doesn’t fail when executive fails.

Canon 47 Revocation

Ch. II : Sing Decrees and Prescripts

(Cann. 48-58) English Latin

Canon 48 (4) concerns content and distinguishes it from other admin. acts. Dispute or controversy settled administratively. Also make ‘provision’ i.e. respond to a perceived need. Appoint to offices; establish public assn. of the faithful; major superior of pont. cler. inst erects house.

Canon 49 Poorly drafted. SP is an ad. act which…. Precept is more negative – injunction to do or not to do. Administrator must have subject matter and personal jurisdiction.

Canon 50 Information & consultation before Decree. Though it only mentions decrees, probably this and others should apply to precepts. A common sense canon. Not necessary for validity.

Canon 51 Written form. C.37 requires writing for all acts concerning the external forum. Not required in making provision for an office. Decisory acts affect juridic rights and may be appealed. Best it’s in writing. Appeal of reasons is to administrator’s superior. Appeal to Apost. Signatura is only viable on grounds of substantive or procedural illegality. CCEO allows reasons to be recorded secretly.

Canon 52 Limited application. Cannot be extended beyond person and event for which it was issued.

Canon 53 Conflicting decrees. Same authority is presumed since higher authority would trump lower.

Canon 54 Effective when communicated in an official writing.

Ch. III: Rescripts

(Cann. 59 - 75) English Latin from personal percepts ius to favors gratia. No claim/rt to favors. Hierarchical principle prevails. Elements: competence, matter, recipient, execution and cessation. Singular administrative act a species of constitutive law.

Canon 59

Ch. IV: Privileges

(Cann. 76 - 84) English Latin

Ch. V: Dispensations

(Cann. 85 - 93) English Latin

Abrogate – step away from – contrary to part or all of former law. Dispensation made an executive power, not legislative. Exec power interpreted broadly.

Canon 85 dispensations from those with ordinary executive power. Diocesan bishop, vicar gen. Ep.vicar, etc. Clergy are habiles to govern, laity can be appd to offices with executive power.

Canon 86 The essential constitutive elements can be dispensed because they constitute the act. E.g. Ordinatio sacerdotalis say constitutive elements of orders. Given for the spiritual good of the faithful.

Canon 87 complete reworking of 1917 (obrogates). bishop’s power of dispensation is intrinsic to his power of governance. Can’t dispense constitutive, procedural or penal law. Reserved powers: 20 situations, but authentic interpretation is expanding the list. Any ordinary, not just bishop, can grant (1) if recourse is difficult [not impossible but more than inconvenient] (2) if there is harm in delay and (3) Holy See usually grants. Confidentiality is paramount, so use of fax, e-mail is considered to public. Holy see regularly dispenses age, retroactive validation, law of alienation; doesn’t easily dispense celibacy, solemn profession, apostasy and almost never episcopal ordination, irregularity of abortion or consanguinity in a direct line. Authentic Interpretation

Canon 88 Competence. Broader than above. But singular person or community. Episcopal conferences don’t give laws, but general executory decrees. Liturgical law, can dispense discipline, but not constitutive. However, can’t give carte blanche.

Canon 89 Especially in missionary situations. bishop should make it clear at the beginning of any new assignment.

Canon 90 Motivating Cause – substantially the same as 1917. Spiritual good is a legitimate cause. There should be a proportionality between the cause and the law. Should be free from dolus deceit.

Canon 91 Applies c. 136 on executive power to dispensation. Broader than 1917. Competence is personal and territorial.

Canon 92 Dispensation is an exception – so that it’s strictly interpreted.

Canon 93 Permission – faculty of doing or omitting something not unlawful. A faculty is the extension of power from a superior with jurisdiction. Indult is a favor for a time, privilege is in perpetuity. Positive objective juridic norm. Absolution, sacramental or juridic releases from penalties or censure. *New from 1917.

Title V: Statutes and Ordinances

(Cann. 94 - 95) English Latin

Statutes describe the nature of an organization, rules govern internal governance. A general framework for statutes that still have to be worked out - these are the minimum requirements, but they are more explicit in Canon 298.

Canon 94 Statutes Juridic persons and other aggregates. Purpose compatible with church’s mission; Constitution indicates strategies to realize purpose; governance indicates leadership; procedure is internal and external operations. Legitimate members implies statutes will include issues of admission and separation. Promulgated by legitimate power and approved (canon 117).

Canon 95 Rules of order Those who wish to participate must freely assent to the rules of participation.

Title VI: Physical and Juridic Persons

Ch. I: Physical Persons

(Cann. 96 - 123) English Latin

Canon 96 Juridic effects of baptism Baptism makes a person a member with rights and duties. Correlative to c.204-205 on the spiritual effects of baptism. Advance over the 1917 code where baptism implies duties. Full communion c.205, state of life c.207, 219 and obligations of state. Excludes catechumens c.206 and non-Catholics c.11.

Canon 97 Age Age of majority is 18. Infants are legally incompetent, over 7 presumed to have the use of reason - bound by merely ecclesiastical laws. 5 elements affect personhood: age, mental condition, residence legal relationship and rite. Other age canons include: bishop, married deacon and diocesan administrator 35, VG, JV and EV 30, Priest 25, final religious profession 21. Marriage 14 for women, 16 for men. Relevance of age of majority isn't as important in church law as in secular law.

Canon 98 Majority §1 One who reaches majority has full rights in the church. Those rights might be narrowed by state in life. §2 Minors subject to parents in exercise of rights, Guardianship follows civil law. Some exceptions exist.

Canon 99 Mental Condition Non sui compos cannot place a valid juridic act, nor commit a crime.

Canon 100 Residence








out of domicile and quasi-domicile



no domicile or quasi-domicile


Canon 101 Place of Origin §1 Place of origin of child - parents home, or mother's home. Neophyte adult baptized < 3 years. §2 Place of origin of child of transients: birthplace, abandond child: place child was found.

Canon 102 Domicile

Canon 103 Domicile of Religious House to which they are assigned - but they have quasi domicile where they reside. Important for faculties of religious priests.

Canon 104 Domicile of Spouses Spouses have a common domicile unless separate or just cause. 1917 Required wife to domicile with husband.

Canon 105 Domicile of Minors

Canon 106 Loss of Domicile Domicile lost with 1. departure; and 2. intent not to return. Most say multi-domiciles not possible. Loss of acquired rt. Requires strict interpretation.

Canon 107 Juridic effect of domicile Through domicile and quasi-domicile, one acquires a pastor and ordinary. Transients have pastor and ordinary of residence. Also access to courts.

Canon 108 Degrees of Consanguinity Acts of generation. 4th degree is normative in most cases. 2nd degree prevents marriage by divine law, not dispensable. Also direct line consanguinity can’t be dispensed.

Canon 109 Affinity Spouses stand in each others stead to count affinity. Only affinity in direct line is a matrimonial impediment c. 1092. Previous code had another method of calculation.

Canon 110 Adoption Adoptive parents acquire canonical parental rights on civil adoption. Canon 111 Rite

Canon 112 Change of Rite

Ch. II : Juridical Persons

English Latin

Canon 113 Moral and Juridic Persons

Canon 114 Creation

Canon 115 Classifications

Canon 116 Public and Private

Canon 117 “No aggregate of persons or of things seeking juridical personality can acquire it unless its statutes are approved by the competent authority.” Not required in the old code, so existing juridic persons often don't have statutes. Also what about juridic persons erected as a matter of law. They should have statutes, but if they don't?

Canon 118 Agents Those acting for the juridic persons are those competent in law or in the statutes. Sometimes, the civil structure doesn't match the canonical structure, so that E.g. bishop acts for parishes, instead of the parish priest.

Canon 119 Decisions

Canon 120 Termination

Canon 121 Consolidation Two or more universitates (public juridic persons) can be joined to a new universitas which is a successor in interest to the prior entities. Donor intent has to be respected with regard to goods and acquired rights are to be honored. Competent authority would have to suppress the prior entities and erect the new entity. Alienation rules do not apply. Private juridic persons can consolidate according to their own statutes.

Canon 122 Division In division of a universitas, (public juridic persons) competent authority is to protect before all else, 1. intention of the founders and donors, 2. acquired rights and 3. approved statutes. Through an executor ensure 1. equitable and just distribution of divisible goods and rights, debts and obligations, and 2. that indivisible use and usefruct and obligations of indivisible goods accrue and are imposed in equity and justice. Prior law and Eastern code allows division of territory, but not of the juridic person itself. Third party benefactors, e.g. foundations are not divided with the division of the juridic person, but would be taken into account as an external circumstance in the distribution of assets and liabilities. Final decision is not by mutual agreement within the juridic person and the new subdivisions, but by the competent authority.

Canon 123 Extinction Unless otherwise provided in statutes, goods, rights and obligations go to the juridic person immediately superior, with due regard to intentions of founders and donors and to acquired rights. Goods, rights and obligations of private juridic persons goes according to its statutes. Distribution of goods of an extinct religious institute or society is reserved to the Holy See. Some public juridic persons are not hierarchically constituted, e.g. college or foundation. It has been interpreted that it goes to the one with authority to erect or suppress. But it could be problematic if a Juridic person is erected by bishop but sponsored and staffed by religious institute.

Title VII: Juridical Acts

(Cann. 124 - 128) English Latin

Canon 124 Requirements

Canon 125 Force and Fear

Canon 126 Ignorance and Error

Canon 127 Consent or Counsel

Canon 128 Restitution

Title VIII: Power of Governance

(Cann. 129 - 144) English Latin

Canon 129 Who Exercises §1 Those is orders are qualified for the power of governance / jurisdiction which is in the church by divine constitution. (Clerics qualified, doesn't say that lay are not.) §2 Laity cooperate (not participate) in the same power. Roman school - laity have always exercised jurisdiction and can still do so. Munich school - priesthood is one, and therefore laity are excluded from jurisdiction. There still exist examples of lay offices with the power of governance: finance officer, finance council, lay parish administrator, judge, promoter or defender.

Canon 130 Internal and External Forum Governance concerns the external forum, but is sometimes exercised for the internal forum. Law prefers to act in the external verifiable forum. Internal forum is sacramental and non-sacramental.

Canon 131 Ordinary and Delegated Power §1 Ordinary power pertains to the office, delegated power is given to a person. §2 Ordinary power can be proper or vicarious (e.g. vicar general VG exercises power in the name of the bishop). §3 burden of proving delegation rests on the delegate.

Canon 132 Habitual Faculties Delegated power that subsequently runs with the office. Generally VG and EV have habitual faculties granted by the Holy See to a bishop.

Canon 133 Validity of Acts by Delegate §1 ultra vires acts of a delegate are without effect. §2 Delegate who acts in a manner contrary to the delegation acts invalidly if the manner is expressly required for validity.

Canon 134 Ordinaries §1 Pope, diocesan bishop, VG, EV, Major superiors of clerical institutes SAL of pontifical rite. §2 local ordinary are all the above except Major Superiors. §3. Diocesan Bishop does not include VG or EV. When the code specifies Diocesan Bishop, that power can be delegated to VG or EV, who then exercise it as delegated power.

Canon 135 Legislative, Executive and Judicial

Canon 136 Scope of Executive Power Generally executives have power over subjects, even outside territory, and those in territory for favors, universal law or binding particular law.

Canon 137 Delegation and Subdelegation §1 Can be delegated for single act or all cases, unless specifically prohibited. §2 Executive power of the Holy See can be subdelegated, unless specially prohibited. §3 Ordinary power can be subdelegated only if original was delegated for all cases, if original delegation was for one case it can't be subdelegated. §4 Subdelegated power can't be subdelegated again, unless expressly granted. Subdelegation must be within the scope of the delegation.

Canon 138 Interpretation Broadly delegated power interpreted broadly. Delegation includes what is necessary to exercise delegation.

Canon 139 Several Competent §1 Generally if a person approaches one of several competent to act, it doesn't suspend the executive power of the others. §2 Lower authority shouldn't intervene in case submitted to higher authority except in grave and urgent cases.

Canon 140 Several Delegates §1 If several are delegated in solidum (jointly) when one begings to act, the others are excluded, unless the first is impeded or doesn't wish to carry it out. §2 If several are delegated collegially, all must proceed according to canon 119, unless otherwise provided. §3 delegated power is presumed in solidum.

Canon 141 Successive Delegation First delegate, or specific delegate has priority.

Canon 142 Cessation §1 Delegated power ceases by: 1. fulfillment, 2. expiration under it's terms: time, cases, purpose 3. revocation communicated to delegate, 4. resignation accepted by delegator. It doesn't cease when delegator's authority ends unless stated otherwise in the delegation. §2 A delegated act in the internal forum placed inadvertently after cessation is valid.

Canon 143 Cessation of Ordinary Power §1 Ordinary power ceases with the loss of office. §2 If recourse is made on loss of office, the person holds the office, but cannot act validly till the matter is resolved. Acts placed would be valid but illicit, unless otherwise provided.

Canon 144 Error and Doubt Church supplies the lacking power in cases of error and doubt. E.g. when it is not clear if a person can hear confession, or do a wedding. God supplies as well even beyond the code and the church.

Title IX: Ecclesiastical Offices

Canon 145

Ch. I : The Provision of Ecclesiastical Office

English Latin

Canon 146 Canonical Provision Proper appointment required for validity of acts of the office.

Canon 147 Methods of Provision Provision is through 1) free conferral 2) presentation installation 3) confirmation or admission; 4) election and acceptance. The candidate must be selected, the office conferred and accepted. In conferral, the same person selects and confers, in presentation / installation and confirmation, one selects, another confers. In election, the body may confer, or another authority may confer. Erdo finds other ways of provision, e.g. prescription. 1917 code tried to give the pope all authority in free conferral.

Canon 148 Competent Authority Provision is made by the one who can erect, change and suppress the office. Other arrangements cna be made, e.g. a bishop could establish an office in a parish, but give the pastor the right to name people to the office.

Canon 149 Qualifications

Canon 150 Full Care of Souls Offices entailing full care of souls and priestly orders - only to priests.

Canon 151 Vacancy Offices entailing care of souls should not remain vacant without a grave cause. No sanction, and the one conferring determines the grave cause.

Canon 152 Incompatible Offices Can't make incompatible appointments, e.g. conflicts of interest. Second appointment is valid but rescindable.

Canon 153 Availability §1. Appointment of a second person to an office is invalid (not validated by subsequent vacancy). §2. Appointment 6 months before expiry of term takes effect when term expires. §3. Promise of office has no juridical effect. Practice of moving several pastors at the same time is problematic because the offices aren't vacant, promises are ineffectual, etc.

Canon 154 Illegitimate possession Someone can be appointed to an office illegitimately possessed by another. Must declare illegitimate possession and make appointment.

Canon 155 Negligence in Provision If another appoints to an office because of negligence of the provider, this does not change the hierarchical order.

Canon 156 Provision in Writing Provision must be in writing - generally considered for proof, not for validity.

Art. 1: Free Conferral

English Latin

Canon 157 Free Conferral Diocesan bishop provides for offices in his particular church. Right to the office is ius ad rem, the office itself is ius in rem.

Art. 2: Presentation

English Latin

Canon 158 Presentation Present to the conferrer within 3 months of vacancy, conferrer can consider only those presented. There is no time limit for the conferral of the office. §2. If a group presents, they are to elect.

Canon 159 Willingness No one is to be presented unwillingly”

Canon 160 Several Presentations §1. One with the right to present can present several simultaneously or sequentially. §2. No one can present oneself, but a group can present one of its members.

Canon 161 Re-Presentation If the presentee is unsuitable, renounces or dies, another can be presented within a month.

Canon 162 Loss of Right One who hasn't presented in time, or has twice presented an unsuitable person looses the right. Conferrer can choose.

Canon 163 Installation The office is conferred on one who is presented, suitable and willing.

Art. 3: Election

English Latin

Canon 164 Default Rules for Election

Canon 165 Convening the Electors Election is to be 3 months from the vacancy, otherwise the confirming authority can freely provide. The group's own law may provide for a different time, or another confirming authority. Sometimes there is no specification of authority competent to act. See 413.2, 452.1.

Canon 166 Convocation §1. Groups presider to convoke all, if notice is personal, it is valid if to the domicile or quasi-domicile or residence of each. §2. If someone is overlooked and absent, the election is valid, however, on recourse by the absent person within three days of notice of the election, the election must be rescinded. §3. If notice to more than on third of the electors is overlooked the election is null unless they are all actually present. Some say notice need not be given to those who cannot vote.

Canon 167 Proxy §1. Proxy votes prohibited, unless allowed in proper law. §2. Someone on site, but absent due to ill health is to be included.

Canon 168 One Vote Persons can vote only once, even if they hold several titles.

Canon 169 Validity of Election Only members of group or college can vote. Otherwise invalid.

Canon 170 Actually impeding freedom of election invalidates. Punishable under canon 1375.

Canon 171 Validity of Vote §1. Unqualified to vote are those: incapable of a human act, lacking active voice, under penalty of excommunication properly declared or imposed, or notoriously defected from the communion of the Church (formal act not required). §2. If admitted, the vote is null but the election is valid if the null vote didn't change the results.

Canon 172 Free, Secret, Unconditional §1. Each vote must be free, secret, certain, absolute and determined for validity. §2. Conditions attached to a vote are null.

Canon 173 Conducting the Vote

Canon 174 Compromise §1. Unless statutes provide otherwise, election by compromise: by unanimous electors select one or more suitable persons, from the membership or beyond, to elect in the name of all. §2. in a college of only clerics, electors must be ordained. §3. Commissioned must observe law of elections and conditions attached to the compromise.

Canon 175 Compromise ceases and right returns to original electors when 1. revoked before action; 2. conditions not fulfilled, 3. election was null.

Canon 176 Election One with the required votes is elected and to be announced. If number is specified in proper law, 119.1 provides 50% plus 1, etc.

Canon 177 Acceptance §1 Election is to be communicated to the electee who must accept in 8 useful days after notification. §2 If the election is declined, the electee looses all rights to the office, but can be elected again. The college must proceed with a new election within a month after notice.

Canon 178 Acquiring Office If no confirmation is required, the elected immediately acquires the right to the office.

Canon 179 §1 If confirmation is require, the elected seeks confirmation within 8 days or looses the right to the office (unless impeded). §2 Authority can't deny confirmation if the elected is suitable and the election was lawful. §3 Confirmation must be in writing. §4 Elected can't act before confirmation - any such acts in the office are null. §5 Once confirmed the elected immediately acquires the right to the office. Ius ad rem till confirmation which gives ius in re.

Art. 4: Postulation

Canon 180 §1 Electors choose one impeded, believed more suitable and preferred. Impediment must be customarily dispensed. §2 Compromise electors can't postulate unless they were given this right.

Canon 181 Two-thirds Required Two thirds vote required for postulation. Vote for postulation must include: I postulate.

Canon 182 Submission §1 Send within 8 days to dispensing authority (confirming authority if any). §2 If not sent, it is null and the group is deprived of the right of election, unless the presider was impeded or refrained by malice or negligence. §3 Dispension is not required but may be given for a just cause. §4 Postulation can't be revoked unless dispensing authority consents.

Canon 183 Denial §1 If the postulation is denied the right of election returns to the group. §2 If the postulation is admitted, the individual is asked to consent, canon .177. §3 On acceptance, the person acquires the full right to the office Ius in re (since the dispensing authority is the confirming authority)

Ch. II : Loss of Ecclesiastical Office

Canon 184 Loss of Office §1. Loss of Ecclesiastical Office by (death) time, age, resignation, transfer, removal or privation. §§2. Death of conferror doesn't cause loss of office, nor by disability or incompetence. §3. Should notify conferror. 1740 gives specifics for removal and transfer of pastors.

Canon 185 Emeritus Emeritus can be conferred on those who age out or retire. Bishop is automatically emeritus.

Canon 186 Lapse of Time Loss by lapse of time or resignation occurs only when notified by conferror.

Art. 1: Resignation

Canon 187 Subject Only sui compos can resign for a just cause. - incompetent person is also incompetent to resign.

Canon 188 Undue Influence If there is undue influence, resignation is invalid. Fear, malice, error, simony.

Canon 189 Process §1. For validity, resignation must be to the authority responsible, in writing or orally with two witnesses. §2. Authority shouldn't accept a resignation without a proportionate cause. §3. If acceptance is required, it must be within three months (in writing), or the resignation lapses, if no acceptance is required, it is effective when received (though a resigner could specify the time of effectiveness). §4. A resignation can be revoked until it takes effect.

Art. 2: Transfer

English Latin

Canon 190 Transfer §1. Can only be made by one with authority over both offices. §2. grave cause needed if officeholder is unwilling. §3. must be in writing (i.e. as a decree). Grave causes should also be in writing. If the transfer is a penalty, penal norms are to be followed. Recourse will suspend the transfer.

Canon 191 Timing Prior office vacant when second is taken up. Remuneration of prior office till second is taken up. If recourse is taken against the transfer, prior office is occupied de jure till resolved. Otherwise it is vacant when the second is taken.

Art. 3: Removal

English Latin

Canon 192 Decree Removal by Decree of competent authority.

Canon 193 Manner §1. In indefinite term, only for grave cause, according to lawful process. §2. Likewise for removal before teonferred at prudent discretion can be removed for just cause. §4 Removal to be in writing with cause stated.

Canon 194 Removal by Law §1. Office lost by law itself: one who looses clerical state, one who has public defected, a cleric who attempts marriage. §2. Loss is enforceable when declared. Officeholder's acts are valid till the declaration is received.

Canon 195 Support Provides for support for a suitable period.

Art. 4: Privation

English Latin

Canon 196 Penalty Privation is penal removal and must be done according to the norm of law. Permanent penalty requires judicial process, not just adminstrative decree. Privation is a grave penalty. Can't be latae sententiae (incurred without a decree).

Title X: Prescription

(Cann. 197 - 199) English Latin

Prescription is a means of gaining or losing legal rights or obligations. It helps resolve prolonged uncertainty about property. Prescription may be acquisitive (gaining property or rights) or extinctive (liberation from obligtions).

Canon 197 Follows Civil Law Church follows civil law of the jurisdiction, except as provided here and in canons 199, 1492, 82, 1269, 1270, 1362, 1363, 1621)

Canon 198 Good Faith Prescription requires good faith. In US law, mere avoidance of fraud is sufficient. Good faith not required for the lapse of time for criminal prosecution in 1362. This removes much prescription - the church chooses for good faith over certainty.

Canon 199 Exceptions Some rights are beyond the reach of prescription:

Title XI: The Reckoning of Time

(Cann. 200 - 203) English Latin

Canon 200 General General norms govern reckoning of time, unless the law being applied has an exception.

Canon 201 Continuous and Useful Time Tempus continuum is uninterrupted. Tempus utile is available time, which may be interrupted by unawareness, illness, closed offices, etc. Some canons specify tempus utile, if the canon is silent, it would seem tempus continuum is intended, though the contrary could be argued, particularly if there is a limitation of rights. An interruption in tempus utile results in the addition of a full day, even if the interruption was just a few hours.

Canon 202 Day, Month, Year A day is 24 hours beginning at midnight, unless otherwise provided, a week is 7 days, a month is 30 days and a year is 365 days, unless they are specified as a calendar month or year. In continuous time, it is always taken as calendar time.

Canon 203 First and Final Days First day is not counted unless the initial act is at midnight. Last day is counted, and ends at midnight. Like retreat days. 5 days from now - count from midnight the beginning day, then 5 full days to midnight.